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NOx FilterBox 2.0 as a solution for construction

A plug-and-play solution that captures nitrogen oxides (NOx) around construction and business activities as a mitigating measure. A vacuum cleaner that sucks up nitrogen. The company OC Filtration solutions has the solution for the nitrogen problem in construction, including for construction projects that are currently at a standstill. The device filters 70,000 cubic meters of air per hour. And is able to remove approximately 25 kilograms of nitrogen (NOx) from the air annually.

OC Filtration solutions, part of Orange Climate, has developed the vacuum cleaner, together with IFB Filtertechniek. The vacuum cleaner is actually a large box with fans. It sucks in air by running the fans at high speed. The air is then passed through a filter that removes the nitrogen from the air. TNO has extensively tested the FilterBox and the measurements show that the system is effective in capturing nitrogen oxides.

Would you like to know more about how the Filterbox works? Please contact OC Filtration Solutions at 085-0645862 or send an email to info@oc-fs.nl.

On this website you will find more information, including about the test conducted by TNO. Also read the interview with William Baars in the Brabants Dagblad.

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